The Christian View of Family Authority
Biblical Teachings on Family Leadership and The Fallacy of John Locke's Individualism
The concept of individualism, as defined by John Locke, has significantly influenced the adult social class. In his work, the Second Treatise of Civil Government (1689), Locke asserts that a husband has "no more power over her life than she has over his."
This idea of individualism has led to the separation of adulthood from adolescence or childhood, perpetuating the fallacy that women no longer need to be under the control of their husbands or fathers once they become adults.
However, the teachings of the Bible provide a different perspective on the roles and relationships between men, women, and children. In Ephesians 5:22, it is written that wives should "submit to their husbands as unto the Lord," while Ephesians 6:1 instructs children to obey their "parents in the Lord."
From this biblical perspective, men are responsible for controlling their wives and children, with both father and mother having control over their children.
To clarify, when I say the husband is to control his wife the definition of control to keep in mind is as stated in the 1828 Webster’s Dictionary:
Control (verb): To check; to restrain; to govern.
It is essential to clarify that when a man exercises control over his wife, he is not treating her as a child but rather as a woman. This control must be administered with love and respect, following the example of Christ.
It’s not that her soul is less important or means less to God but that her vessel is weaker that the one God gave to man. For the vessel of the man is tougher and stronger than that of the women. His body is created for hard work, both physically and mentally.
It’s because of this strength of vessel that the man is to be in control. He more easily operates from logic and reason when tensions are high. He more naturally leads and bears the weight of decision making.
In conclusion, the biblical perspective on family hierarchy emphasizes the importance of strong and loving men exercising control over their wives and children. This approach, rooted in the teachings of the Bible, promotes a healthy, harmonious family life that aligns with God's will.