A Fool Keeps His Knowledge Earthly
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom..." Psalm 111:10
The Bible has all that a man needs to be spiritually wise.
So logically, reading the Bible is the most important way for men to grow in their faith after salvation.
Any knowledge gain outside of the Bible is earthly knowledge and can never rise above earthly matters. Because of this, no knowledge is more important than that which is contained within the Bible.
There is nothing wrong with learning matters outside of the Bible and it’s encouraged by the Bible to be wise.
Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction.
[Proverbs 10:14 KJV]
This, to me, means all knowledge. As both Biblical and earthly knowledge is beneficial to a man’s life and growth.
Earthly knowledge is good for the “here and now”. We need it for all sorts of work that are beneficial to the Kingdom of Christ.
Over the centuries since the Bible’s completion, everything has been tweaked and improved. Everything has been found to have weaknesses that needed fixed; except the Bible
For example, transportation has moved from horses to cars and communication has moved from paper to computer. The Bible, however, has not changed. Its truths don’t need updated and its messages applies to every age.
No book contains more important information than the Bible. Because the bible handles truths outside of man’s mental reach when unassisted by God.
Yes, the Bible won’t teach you how to build a wooden chair, program a computer, or ride a horse. Its wisdom is far deeper and applicable in many areas.
The Bible also contains unlimited wisdom for any season of life. Be it young or old, rich or poor, single or married. No matter what we are going through the Bible has the wisdom a man needs to navigate the waters of life successfully.
Every chapter and verse of the Bible is profitable to man. If a verse of the Bible seems to have no profitable use. It is only because we do not have the understanding to see it yet.
Biblical education is the only way to a prosperous and orderly nation.
Hard and dark times befall men when the light of the Bible is forgotten or ignored.
No nation can stand long when it forgets God’s word and His commands.
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.
[Proverbs 14:34 KJV]
Brothers, we must spend ample time every day in the word of God. He preserved it and made it infallible. It’s the only offensive weapon we have, and need, to fight back against the evil which surrounds us.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
[2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV]
Attention: Christian Men
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